Making Human and Social Capital Visible and Actionable

What about trust today ?

Numerous decisions we make in our daily lives are based on our ability to trust, itself underpinned by our ability to recognise others, and be recognised.

On the road to a Web of trust!

What does it take to change the world? Just a bit of trust! So make existing trust and (informal) recognition information globally visible!

It has started on october 22!

Join the community laying the foundations of a World Wide Web of Trust by sharing your first bits of trust and creating your own network of trust!

Founding members

The company was founded on the initiative of internationally recognized experts in the field of development, recognition and valorization of skills.

Architecture and Technology

The Bit of trust architecture rests on three layers : BoTs, NoTs and WoTs. Find out more here about this architecture and its technology!

Our services and Apps

Designing, developing and supporting implementation of technologies and services that contribute to the construction of a web of trust.

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